
This component helps to connect a PatActor to Asgard live streams.
NOTE: You must have your own Asgard live stream URL. As testing requires a live stage to operate, there is no sample URL provided.
It takes in the Asgard live URL and monitors whether the stream is active or not.
When the stream becomes active, it will pull the current live MPD URL, assign it to the PatActor, and begin playing.
The manager does not stop playback when the stream becomes inactive. Since there is a delay between playback and the stream, this allows any remaining stream data to finish playing.
The Manager has a callback for when the stream status changes.


  • AsgardLiveShowUrl: The URL to monitor for live stream status changes
  • CheckStatePeriod: How often to check the URL when the stream is inactive
  • onStreamActiveChanged: Callback invoked when the stream status changes
  • Active: Enable to allow the Manager to make network requests and begin playback as needed.